Ira Baran



This course exposes students to thorough and elaborate interactive concepts and techniques for applications. It is an extensive investigation in the interface, the mechanism, the controls and the aims of interactive works. Students will learn how to design and develop complex interactive projects and understand how to undertake comprehensive research and direct their thinking process from brainstorming to the final outcome. They will be given the tools to conceive, plan and develop an interactive system and they will become aware of the importance of their role in the development of interactive media.



In this projects I tell a story of planning a trip to Bali. The webpage looks like a conversetation from intagram and some of the texts have hidden links to see the recommended places such as hotels or restaurants.


Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentinian writer famous for his short stories that deal with labyrinths, dreams, religion, and mathematical ideas (particularly set theory concepts like infinity and cardinality). His circuitous and meandering prose, full of allusions and vivid imagery, is a good way to think about the web as a network that has many nodes and many connections that continuously folds upon itself. It is the act of navigating through this maze that brings meaning to the web experience.


In this project I show a collection of 55 toys from Happy Meal. The database feautures 2008 Happy Meal toy collections from Japan. In total there are eight collections. The data was uploaded from Airtable and was manipulated and styled mainly through Java Script as well as CSS and HTML.


In this project I created a pink emoji generator by using Java Script. The website focuses on randomness and if very simple to use. Just refresh the page to clear the composition.